The Emperor’s New Clothes

There once was a very proud king who enjoyed wearing fancy clothes.   He even changed clothes three times/day to admire himself.  emperorWhile others were out and about taking care of problems within his kingdom, he was in the dressing room.

One day, some weavers came into town who were not really weavers but CROOKS!   These fake weavers said their cloth was more beautiful than any other cloth BUT… it could not be seen by just anyone.  Only people who were smart and the most excellent could actually see the magic cloth.  People who were not smart and not excellent – well, they would see nothing at all, (stories, 2023).

Some of you may remember this story from the days when you were reading story books to your children.  If you are familiar with the story, you may remember how the king who was so PROUD.  He knew HE was smart and was sure he could see this magic cloth.  So he invited the weavers to his palace.

And even though he really couldn’t see the cloth, he convinced himself that HE COULD.

As the story goes, a parade was coming up in 2 weeks and he wanted something special to wear.  So he asked the “weavers” to make him a special outfit for the parade.

They agreed.   Later, when it was ready, he tried on his new outfit.  Shockingly, he couldn’t see anything either.   As he admired himself in the mirror, Emperors-New-Clothes-Final-3he must have thought, “Oh well.  I’m sure it is there”.   To top it off, the weavers convinced him that his new clothes were beautiful – so “light and airy”.  

So he proudly wore his new outfit to the parade.   All the adults snickered – to themselves.  Yet they knew they couldn’t speak out publicly.  Why?  Because they were AFRAID.  After all, he is the EMPEROR!  He could do harm to them.   And he MUST know what he is doing.  Maybe it is us who really can’t see it!??  –  Could have been some of their thoughts.

no clothesUntil….a child cried out – “Look!  The Emperor has no clothes!”.

The crowd was aghast!  The child said what everyone else was thinking.  And the child was the only one to have courage enough to say it.

Today is also the day of THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES!  I believe we are living in an era right now where we are either the weavers, the Emperor, the crowd, or the child.  We have many things going on in our society in which we are being compelled to deny the obvious!  From COVID to vaccines, to trans indoctrination, etc.  It has quietly been going on for a few years.  But since 2020, things changed.   It was as if this invisible hand went over the world and attempted to hypnotize all of humanity . A mode to create a narrative was propagated and then applied to several issues.

II Thessalonians 2:7 & 11 states –

7) For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.  11) For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false.

A deluding influence comes from “energeia” which means – a superhuman power to deceive, (BLB).   IF there ever has been a time in our culture when we are being coerced, tricked, persuaded, and pushed  to call bad – good, to call a bird and elephant – it is today!

So who are you?

  • The weavers?  Out to deceive others for personal gain.
  • The Emperor? Who is proud and denies his eyes.
  • The adult crowd?  Who sees it but doesn’t have the courage to speak out.
  • The child?  Who is innocent and speaks out boldly what he or she sees.

Matthew 18:3 –

Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.


BLB – Blue Letter Bible

The Emperor’s New Clothes

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